This section will cover all the cool features that are available in happy couples application.

Admin Panel

  1. Can know who has seen his marriage invitation.

  2. Respective url for each Invitee.

  3. There is no limit to any number of invitees to be called for now.

  4. Can specify specific message to each individual.

  5. Can specify whether Invitee is invited for Marriage or Reception.

  6. Can get list of name, address and urls of invitees in csv file.

  7. Can Edit/Delete/Create wishes of invitees and can see when the wish was posted.


  1. Each invitee gets individual invitation message with his name and address along with his invitation status.

  2. No login required for invitee to wish the married couples.

  3. Invitee can even delete his wish to re post again if he thinks of better wish to post.

  4. Map to pin point where marriage is taking place exactly.

  5. Gallery to show all the procession with image and description.

  6. All the relatives of inviter’s (i.e. either bride or groom is inviter) are shown along with images of father/mother of both couples.

  7. Links to Social medias that lands to any social media platforms of choice.

  8. Cool rain effect of couples name.

  9. Games to keep invitees engage in website.